When searching, you can set a preference to set a default search scope for toolbar searches, e.g., Inboxes. You can see where the mention occurs and there is a new Summarize Mentions command to gather those mentions into one document. Additionally, DEVONthink now has another way of seeing relationships between documents: a new Document > Mentions inspector that lists documents that mention the name or aliases of a selected document in their contents.
You also can now update the link text for an item link if you've renamed the linked file. As linking becomes increasingly commonplace, WikiLinks can now be converted to more "stable" item links. Occasionally, use the new Check File Integrity command and script to verify the files are intact. To help ensure your databases are healthy, we've added another mechanism that logs the state of each file, called a checksum, in your database. The summary would be far too long to list them all, so here are a few of the high points.

With so many improvements made and functions added, this update is almost an upgrade. DEVONthink To Go for iPad and iPhone completes the DEVONthink ecosystem. And with its fast, reliable, and secure synchronization users keep their data available on all their Macs. Smart rules, flexible reminders, and deep AppleScript support allow automating even complex repeating tasks. Sophisticated organization tools, AI-based techniques that handle even the largest collections, and numerous integration options make DEVONthink the work environment of choice for researchers, lawyers, and educators. A powerful search language finds documents in an instant, smart groups keep them always at hand. Many document formats can be directly viewed, edited, and annotated. It supports a large variety of file formats and stores them in a database enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI). DEVONthink is DEVONtechnologies' document and information management solution.